Finding Peace Amongst the Chaos

Finding peace amongst the chaos right now is so hard. The world feels like it is upside down. We have the craziest election ever with a president who threatens not to step down. We have a pandemic that is heading into its second wave. We have schools that are partially opened with kids trying to learn online. There is so much anger and hatred being spewed in the news and social media. How can we possibly find peace?

As I write this, I am sitting in a waiting room, listening to soothing music and drinking tea. It is the first peace I have felt today. No hurrying. No worrying. Just sitting and waiting. It’s lovely. When I woke this morning I wasn’t looking forward to waiting for my daughter while she has an appointment. I was thinking of all the things I should be doing instead. But no, this is where I need to be right now, in the calm and quiet with nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait.

So what part of your day can you set aside for peace? Can you waken early to sit in your favorite chair and drink a cup of coffee or tea before starting your busy day? Can you stay up a tiny bit later tonight, light a candle, and turn off all the lights to sit in silence and calm? Can you go for a walk at lunchtime, possibly off the beaten path to a quiet neighborhood, park, or trail? Can you opt for a bath instead of a shower and spend a few extra minutes with your eyes closed enjoying being alone?

We have so many opportunities each day to find peace. We have moments of joy. We have moments of laughter. All we have to do is notice it. Embrace it. And find peace in it.

So slow down.

Listen to the sounds around you.

Take a moment and relax.

You can do it. And you’ll love it and want to do it again.


You Don’t Always Need to be Happy